• Health/Fitness

    Intermittent Fasting 16/8 Method

    To all the mothers out there, let’s be honest. Getting back to our pre-baby weight can be quite the challenge. It seems that for many women, they “snap-back” to their pre-pregnancy weight within a matter of months. Well, what about the rest of us? I was one of those women who struggled to get that baby weight off. Both of my pregnancies were completely different. After giving birth to my first child, I dropped down lower than my pre-pregnancy weight. I had worked out consistently throughout my pregnancy and also chose to breastfeed once he was born. It seemed as though the weight just melted away. With my second child,…

  • Recipes

    Vegetable Fried Rice

    I don’t know about you, but Chinese food is a guilty pleasure of mine. Anytime Chinese food is on the menu, I am always asking for some form of fried rice. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water. You can’t have a good Chinese meal without Fried Rice…in my opinion. It makes for a great main dish when in combination with meats such as chicken, pork or shrimp. It is also a great side dish that can be very filling. Skip the takeout restaurant next time and instead try your hand at homemade fried rice and keep a little money in your pocket.   Check out the Recipe Below!…

  • Mommy Life

    Potty Training-Tips & Tricks

    “Oh potty training, how I loathe thee” One of the most common questions asked among parents is how do I start potty-training, my child? My husband and I have started on this journey with our 2-year-old daughter. We introduced the potty to her a few months before her 2nd birthday.  We are slowly becoming more successful with her each day and have been utilizing tricks we learned from our first child’s experience to help. Deciding when and how to start potty training your toddler can be a daunting task. Here are some tips and tricks to help you out during your potty training adventure. Get them a special potty-chair or…

  • DIY

    Closet Overhaul

    “What am I going to wear?” I find myself asking this question all to frequently when I am getting ready to go out. Whether it be date night, girls night or just a plain fun night out. I stand in front of an over flowing closet for what feels like hours trying to piece together an outfit. I’m sure we can all agree that this can be so frustrating. My closet is jam packed with clothes! Clothes hanging up, scattered on the top shelf, hidden behind shoes or tucked away off in the corner. I’m sure more than half of the clothes that have taken up residence within my closet no…