• Mommy Life

    How to Survive a Baseball Game with a Toddler

    Fall Baseball is just kicking off. That means spending countless hours at the ball field with the family. My son has been playing baseball for 4 years and I have learned that it is vital to prepare for each and every game. Especially when you add a feisty toddler into the mix. This can make for some trying times! Us mamas need to be ready for just about anything.  Having a bag full of the essentials helps to ensure that the whole family can get through the game comfortably and with little stress for mom. We can also keep our fingers crossed for no temper tantrums. But let’s be honest, that’s…

  • Mommy Life

    Road Trip Essentials for Toddlers

    Summertime is upon us, a great time for taking family road trips both near and far. Having small children along for the ride can sometimes make road tripping a little more difficult, to say the least.  Can small children and road trip be used in the same sentence without us parents shuddering at the thought of them crying, yelling or saying those dreaded 4 words, “ARE WE THERE YET?!” Well, I’d sure like to think so. This summer we are taking the kids to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. 7 hours in the car with a very ‘vibrant’ toddler…y’all probably think I’m crazy. However, this isn’t our first road trip with…

  • Mommy Life

    10 Tips for Traveling without Children

    Your kids are now at the age where you feel comfortable leaving them…finally! So, you decide to plan a trip away with your significant other or friends. While kid-free vacations are a great way to recharge your batteries and focus on yourself. Before you head out, there are a few things you will want to do to prepare your kids for the time you are away. Here are 10 Tips for preparing to leave your little ones: Detailed Instructions: leave any information you wish to share with your children’s caregivers about their routine, doctors name, phone numbers, etc. If family members are watching them and already know the routine, the…

  • Mommy Life

    How to Motivate Your Kids

    Do you ever struggle with getting your kids motivated to practice? Whether it is reading, writing, math or sports, it can sometimes be a struggle to help motivate our kids. Parents all hope that their kids will be the best at everything that they do. While things come easy for some kids, others have to work twice as hard. When kids develop a skill naturally, they tend to enjoy it more. But how do we get our kids to practice those skills they are either lacking or need to improve on? For our son, we developed a points reward system that has helped encourage him to practice skills daily to…

  • Mommy Life

    Potty Training Update

    It has been about 6 months since I posted Potty Training Tips and Tricks for your toddler’s potty training adventure. I am happy to announce, my daughter is officially diaper and pull-up free, with the exception of bedtime! I am one proud momma! While there were a few hiccups and setbacks along the way, she has just about mastered the potty! Can we say “bye bye” diapers. Still working on potty training your little one? Give these a try. What worked for us: Using a rewards system for going potty- we use mini Hersey chocolate chips: 2 chocolate chips for going pee & 4 chocolate chips for going poo. This…

  • Mommy Life

    When to Transition to a Toddler Bed

    There comes a time when our little ones out grow their crib and it is time to transition to a toddler bed. While there is no set rule for when this change should occur, it can be anywhere from as early at 18 months to 3 years. How can you tell if your child is ready? Here are some tips to help make the this transition a little smoother. Signs your child is ready for a toddler bed: Climbs out of their crib. Verbalizes they want “out”. Has had a growth spurt and can no longer sleep comfortably in their crib. Starts asking for a “big kid bed”. If your…

  • Mommy Life

    Gotta Catch ‘Em All…Pokémon

    Happy Halloween! I don’t know about you all but I usually plan Halloween costumes pretty far in advance. This year we decided to do a theme for both of the kids. For a while, my son was really into Pokémon and all things trading cards. I thought it would be a fun idea to have Cameron dress up as Ash Ketchum and Aubrey as Pikachu! I mean there are only so many more Halloweens before my oldest refuses to dress up with his baby sister, right?! I’m all for taking advantage of his willingness here. I began looking up costumes on the internet. I was not surprised when I found…

  • Mommy Life

    Toddler Curly Hair Wash Routine

    Having curly hair can be a love hate relationship. Dealing with my hair is one thing, but having to tame a wild toddler’s mane too?! Let me tell you, I have my work cut out for me. I am sure many mommas out there can relate. I sometimes sit and find myself asking. . . “What the heck do I do with all this hair?” My daughter’s hair texture is slightly different from mine. The front of her hair has very fine ringlet curls and the back of her hair consists of more coarse curls. With the back being so coarse, it tangles and becomes frizzy very easily-ugh. I remember…

  • Mommy Life

    Potty Training-Tips & Tricks

    “Oh potty training, how I loathe thee” One of the most common questions asked among parents is how do I start potty-training, my child? My husband and I have started on this journey with our 2-year-old daughter. We introduced the potty to her a few months before her 2nd birthday.  We are slowly becoming more successful with her each day and have been utilizing tricks we learned from our first child’s experience to help. Deciding when and how to start potty training your toddler can be a daunting task. Here are some tips and tricks to help you out during your potty training adventure. Get them a special potty-chair or…