• Health/Fitness

    Breast Cancer Awareness

    As we all know, October is breast cancer awareness month. Screening and early detection can help to save lives. As an Oncology Nurse I am all too familiar with educating patients as well as the community on early detection and breast screenings. Last week I went for my annual GYN follow-up. Everything was going well, we were chatting about life. She had me lay back for her to do my breast examination. As she was doing her exam she looked down at me and frowned, “what’s that?” she asked. I placed my hand over the area she was referring to and my heart immediately sank into the pit of my…

  • Health/Fitness

    Intermittent Fasting 16/8 Method

    To all the mothers out there, let’s be honest. Getting back to our pre-baby weight can be quite the challenge. It seems that for many women, they “snap-back” to their pre-pregnancy weight within a matter of months. Well, what about the rest of us? I was one of those women who struggled to get that baby weight off. Both of my pregnancies were completely different. After giving birth to my first child, I dropped down lower than my pre-pregnancy weight. I had worked out consistently throughout my pregnancy and also chose to breastfeed once he was born. It seemed as though the weight just melted away. With my second child,…