Mommy Life

Road Trip Essentials for Toddlers

Summertime is upon us, a great time for taking family road trips both near and far. Having small children along for the ride can sometimes make road tripping a little more difficult, to say the least.  Can small children and road trip be used in the same sentence without us parents shuddering at the thought of them crying, yelling or saying those dreaded 4 words, “ARE WE THERE YET?!” Well, I’d sure like to think so.

This summer we are taking the kids to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. 7 hours in the car with a very ‘vibrant’ toddler…y’all probably think I’m crazy. However, this isn’t our first road trip with the kids. We’ve made the 12-hour drive to Georgia (broken up) and the 6-hour drive to North Carolina. Both trips went off without a hitch.

Are you planning on taking a road trip soon? Unsure about whether you want to take on this task with your miniature human(s)? Check out these tips below to help make the drive as painless as possible for everyone!

Travel Tips:

  • Make a list of items to pack: this helps you plan better. Make sure to check off items on your list as you pack those items to make sure you are not forgetting anything.
  • Toys: bring a few of your child’s favorite toys (stuffed animals, dolls, action figures). While you don’t want to overpack toys that your child never plays with, make sure you bring a small variety of their favorites. Bring one toy out at a time so that when they become bored with one, you can spark interest with another.
  • Activity book and crayons: my daughter loves to color! Coloring with crayons in her coloring book will keep her quiet and content.
  • Books: pack a few books for them to read or just to turn the pages and look at the pictures.
  • Pillow/Blanket: if you plan to travel at night or around naptime, make sure to have a pillow to prop their neck up while they sleep and a blanket for if they get cold. My daughter brings her blanket everywhere (it would have to be a white one too!)
  • Ipad, Tablet or DVD player with their respective chargers: download their favorite movies, shows or bring DVDs. I brought our Ipad full of games and so that we could turn on movies to keep her entertained. Netflix or any online streaming website will be your best friend if you have Wi-Fi accessibility or hotspot capability.
  • Travel potty: with a recently potty-trained toddler, they don’t always give you much notice when they need to use the potty. For those times when they need to go urgently, have a portable potty that is easily accessible. Tip: put a diaper or pullup in the inside the potty for easy cleanup and plenty of wipes.
  • Plan to take breaks: it is just as important for the little ones as it is for us to get up out of the car and stretch their legs. Make frequent stops along the way for them to release some energy and for bathroom breaks.
  • Finger food-snacks: pack foods that they can eat independently without making much of a mess. (Goldfish, granola bars, grapes, cheerios)
  • Water and Juice: bring plenty of water and juice to keep them hydrated. If you are in the potty-training phase you may want to limit liquids.

I’m proud to say the kids are pros at road trips. No tantrums, whining or crying. There were also no potty accidents along the way, mom win! Planning for the worst helped make sure that we had all areas covered. Our road trip was a success! What are some of your must-haves for taking a road trip with a toddler?

"Just a mom traveling the Interstellar Universe"