
Pepperoni Pizza

I have always been a pizza lover. I mean really who isn’t? A little over a year ago I stopped eating pizza altogether. (Other than my delicious taco pizza). The greasy combination of cheese, tomato sauce, and pepperoni no longer sat well in my stomach. Recently, I decided it was time to create a homemade pizza. This way, I know exactly what ingredients are being used. I can also choose the amount of cheese, sauce, and toppings I want to add. Making pizza is super easy and the kiddos love helping add all the toppings! The pizza turned out perfect and tasted amazing.

Check out the recipe below!


  • pizza crust (Boboli Italian Crust)
  • 8 oz can tomato sauce
  • ¼ cup parmesan cheese, grated
  • ¼ tsp oregano
  • 1 cup mozzarella cheese, shredded
  • pepperoni slices or the toppings of your liking


  1. Combine tomato sauce, oregano, and parmesan cheese in a small bowl.
  2. Once all ingredients are mixed together, spread sauce evenly over pizza crust.
  3. Cover sauce with cheese and then top with pepperoni slice, or your favorite topping.
  4. Bake in the oven at 450 degrees for 10-12 minutes until crust is lightly browned and the cheese has melted.
  5. Cut into slice and serve.

The family never complains when pizza is on the menu. This homemade pizza was no different. Everyone loved it! Do you know what the best thing about this pizza was? Absolutely NO tummy issues! Hope you all enjoy this recipe as much as I did.

"Just a mom traveling the Interstellar Universe"