Mommy Life

10 Tips for Traveling without Children

Your kids are now at the age where you feel comfortable leaving them…finally! So, you decide to plan a trip away with your significant other or friends. While kid-free vacations are a great way to recharge your batteries and focus on yourself. Before you head out, there are a few things you will want to do to prepare your kids for the time you are away.

Here are 10 Tips for preparing to leave your little ones:

  • Detailed Instructions: leave any information you wish to share with your children’s caregivers about their routine, doctors name, phone numbers, etc. If family members are watching them and already know the routine, the less notes you will have to leave!
  • Make a list: of all items you will need to pack for each child.  As you pack up their bags, cross off each item on the list to make sure you don’t forget anything.
  • Medical authorization forms: for those “just in case” situations that we hope won’t arise, provide your caretakers with a letter that gives them permission to seek medical attention for your little ones.
  • Insurance cards: A copy of insurance cards again for those “just in case” situations.
  • Travel Info: share your flight information and your itinerary.
  • Spare house keys: even if they are not staying at your house while you are gone, provide caregivers with a set of keys. For when you “accidentally” forget that important item that your child just can’t live without. They will be able to pick it up and avert a crisis.
  • Car seat: for those that have young kids that require a car seat or booster seat, ensure that your caregiver has one in their vehicle for transporting your child.
  • Food: stock up on all your child’s favorite food items so that they are readily available.
  • While your away: call or face-time your children. Seeing or hearing your voice, even for just a few minutes can help put a smile on their faces while they are missing mommy and daddy.
  • Bring back souvenirs: what kid doesnt love a little present from your trip to show them you were very much still thinking of them while you were away.

I’m sure most of us feel a slight twinge of guilt when leaving our babies. It is normal, but try not to, we all need time away from our kids. Some R & R to focus on ourselves, helping us to stay present and focused in our everyday lives. You’ve worked hard taking care of them and now it is time to focus on you! Try these tips the next time you decide to have a kid free vacation. Remember, don’t forget to enjoy yourself!

"Just a mom traveling the Interstellar Universe"