Potty Training Update
It has been about 6 months since I posted Potty Training Tips and Tricks for your toddler’s potty training adventure. I am happy to announce, my daughter is officially diaper and pull-up free, with the exception of bedtime! I am one proud momma! While there were a few hiccups and setbacks along the way, she has just about mastered the potty! Can we say “bye bye”
What worked for us:
- Using a rewards system for going potty- we use mini Hersey chocolate chips: 2 chocolate chips for going pee & 4 chocolate chips for going poo. This has helped tremendously. Especially when I tell her “it’s time to go potty” and her response is “No! I no want to go potty.” I just give her a little reminder that she will get chocolate and she usually is more than willing to go! Call it a bribe if you must, but if it works, I am totally okay with it.
- Utilizing character underwear: we did away with the diapers and pull-ups and she only wears her undies during the day. She has had a few accidents, especially in the beginning. When this happens, we direct her to the potty to try and empty her bladder and change her to dry undies. She learned quickly what it felt like to have wet undies. She is not a fan!
- Easily accessible clothing: having clothes that can be easily taken off helps cut down on the number of accidents. We have gotten to the point where I do not have to prompt her to use the bathroom. She will tell me when she needs to go. Even more recently, she has started to go to potty independently. Making easily accessible clothes a must!
- Having both a little potty and a training seat: the little potty sits near the kitchen and my daughter uses it mostly to go pee. The training seat is used for when she needs to go poop and sits up on top of our regular toilet seat.
- Using the potty before an outing: I always encourage her to use the potty before we go anywhere. If we are going to be out for a while, we will also make a pitstop in a public restroom. (Are you a germaphobe like me? Check out this travel potty seat)
- Staying consistent and patient: this had helped her to learn and almost completely master using the potty.

What didn’t work for us:
- Wearing pull-ups during the day: my daughter now knows the difference between pull-ups and underwear, so she knows that she can easily go to the bathroom in her pull-ups and skip using the potty. This is okay, just make sure to give your little one a reminder that they should use the potty.
- Pooping on the little potty: she used to have a pooping spot, hiding under the table to take care of business. When she was done, she would come to tell me “I pooped in my diaper”. Getting her to poop on the potty was a struggle. I repeatedly told her “We poop in the potty, not our undies or diaper.” Eventually, we figured out that my daughter did not like to poop on the little potty because it sat too close to her. Turns out, it scared her! That’s where the training seat came into play. It sits her further away from the toilet and she ge
t to flush her poop away.
Tip: Be extra vigilant! Know your child’s queues. Many times I caught her sneaking under the table and had to redirect her.
We still keep her in a pull up at bedtime because she drinks a small cup of milk before going to bed. Until I cut her cup of milk out at bedtime, we will continue to do this as her awareness grows for when she needs to go potty. It is amazing to see your little one master such a difficult task! My friends, don’t get discouraged. Stay patient and consistent! Your little one just might surprise and wow you one day.