Mommy Life

When to Transition to a Toddler Bed

There comes a time when our little ones out grow their crib and it is time to transition to a toddler bed. While there is no set rule for when this change should occur, it can be anywhere from as early at 18 months to 3 years. How can you tell if your child is ready? Here are some tips to help make the this transition a little smoother.

Signs your child is ready for a toddler bed:

  • Climbs out of their crib.
  • Verbalizes they want “out”.
  • Has had a growth spurt and can no longer sleep comfortably in their crib.
  • Starts asking for a “big kid bed”.

If your child is doing any of these, it might just be time to make the switch.

How do I choose a toddler bed?

Here are 3 options you can consider when moving forward with a toddler bed.

  • A toddler bed is a smaller version of a twin bed and usually comes in many different character themes (mickey mouse, paw patrol, etc.)
  • Use a regular twin sized bed and add side rails to help keep your child in place. This option is great if you already have a twin bed available or want to save money by skipping the smaller bed altogether.
  • Many cribs nowadays are considered “convertible cribs” meaning they have the capability of changing from a crib to a toddler bed and sometimes even further to a full-size bed. If you have the convertible crib look no further!

Whichever option you decide, make sure that it is sturdy, has rails and is low to the ground.

Tips to transition to a toddler bed:

  • Make sure that your child is ready for the change. You want your child to be excited about the transition and not overwhelmed or scared.
  • The convertible crib can sometimes be a less drastic change to your toddler. They are already comfortable sleeping in their crib. To convert the crib to a toddler bed, the front panel is removed. Essentially your child still has 3 full sides of the crib left. Some cribs come with a small railing so that the front side is not fully open (or sold separately).
  • Help get your child excited about the new change. Let them help pick out new sheets, bedding or which toys they want in their bed. If you opt for a character toddler bed, let them choose which one they like best.
  • Make sure that you have child proofed their room. Now your child is able to get in and out of their bed. You want to feel comfortable that they will be safe in their room unsupervised.
  • Keep the same bedtime routine. If it has been working, no need to change it.
  • Take your time and always practice patience.
  • Think about putting a gate up at their bedroom door if you find they leave are leaving their room at night.

What worked for us

  • Telling Aubrey, she is getting a big girl bed.
  • Letting her watch the front rail of her crib come down, (we have a convertible crib).
  • Utilizing a sleep bumper (it’s like a railing, only softer and prevents her from falling out of bed).
  • Putting her favorite stuffed animals in her crib.

She was extremely excited about her big girl bed. We waited until she was 2 ½ to make the transition. I probably would have kept her in the crib longer but I found that I was starting to have trouble leaning over the side of the crib to lay her down for bed. That girl is heavy! So, we went for it. When the railing came down, she immediately got in her bed and started jumping up and down. We tested how she would do in her bed at nap time that day. When she woke up, she called for mommy and waited until I came in before getting up. To this day, after being in her toddler bed for a few months she has yet to get up out of her bed during the night. I am a big fan of the sleep bumper. It works wonders. The bumper allows her bed to still feel open but protects her from falling, (no she has not fallen). Hope these tips and tricks help during your toddler’s transition!

"Just a mom traveling the Interstellar Universe"