Closet Overhaul

“What am I going to wear?”

I find myself asking this question all to frequently when I am getting ready to go out. Whether it be date night, girls night or just a plain fun night out. I stand in front of an over flowing closet for what feels like hours trying to piece together an outfit. I’m sure we can all agree that this can be so frustrating. My closet is jam packed with clothes! Clothes hanging up, scattered on the top shelf, hidden behind shoes or tucked away off in the corner. I’m sure more than half of the clothes that have taken up residence within my closet no longer fit. Why hold on to unnecessary clothing? Exactly, I shouldn’t and neither should you. This closet of mine, is in need of some serious work! How about yours? Time to downsize.  No more procrastination. Let’s get to it!


The first step in this closet overhaul is to pull out every single piece of clothing from the closet and lay it  out on the bed. We can visualize every item and also this helps to make sure we finish going through all items before bedtime. For each item, let’s ask ourselves :

“Have you worn it in the last 6 months?”

“Does it fit?”

Anything that has not been worn, send it to the giveaway pile.

If it has been worn, try it on to see if it fits. Get rid of anything that does not fit.

All the clothes that do still fit ask: “Will I wear this?

If there is any piece of clothing that we are hesitant on, lets put it in the giveaway pile. I know, I know. This seems extreme, but we are purging for a reason right? Too many unworn clothes. By the end of this process, my wardrobe was cut in half. 2 large garbage backs full of clothes ready to be given to goodwill. This will vary for everyone, depending on how many clothes you start out with and how much you decide to purge. Let’s make sure to do this with our shoes as well.

I did find it a little more difficult to give up shoes I had not worn recently…the struggle was real!

Tip: get a small bin to hold all flip flops and sandals, freeing up space for the rest of your shoes.

It’s amazing, what items you might find tucked away in your closet. I actually found clothes that I had forgotten I had. Once we are all done going through our clothes, place them back in the closet and organize them however you like. I typically like to color coordinate my clothes in their different seasons. This helps me to better visualize exactly what I have. I hope you find this process as stress relieving as I did.  Yes the beginning was a little overwhelming with the huge pile of clothes taking over my bed but, the end product should satisfy you! By purging my closet, I hope that the next time I’m looking for an outfit, I wont struggle as much to find something to wear. Now my goal is to keep my closet looking like this!

Let me know if these tips helped you overhaul your closet and keep following me on the InterSweetz!



"Just a mom traveling the Interstellar Universe"